週刊不定期日記 2015年1月 / Weekly Diary Jan.2015

改めまして、あけましておめでとうございます♪Happy new year everyone!ハチドリのサンキャッチャーさん。友達が送ってくれました。なんともプラハの街とマッチしますね…My friend sent me this sun-catcher. It really matches to Prague town...!1月に入っ…



週刊日記12月第二号 / Weekly Diary december vol.2

いよいよクリスマスシーズン。Now it's christmas time!今年はラッピングペーパーとギフトカードを手作りしました。This year I made the wrapping paper & cards by myself.ゆるキャラです…ちゃちゃっと描いたら緩くて面白かったんで、そのままカードとペー…

不定期週刊日記 / Weekly Diary 1208

These days I was occupied with things about diploma works, but now everything's OK so I can concentrate to my works... very happy.やっと日記が書けます!!!というのは、この2〜3週間、卒業制作のことで気が気じゃない状態が続いたので…。ですが、…

初石版画 / Lithography

Our school has an awesome lithography workshop. Students can make lithography... it's really great.This year finally I started trying.My first work's process and results are below.うちの学校には、なんと石版画の工房があるんです。分厚い重た…

不定期更新 週刊日記 / Weekly diary november.01


週刊日記 / Weekly diary 1102

今週は毎日毎日あまりにもいろいろありすぎて、逆に書けない感じです。そして反動のように画像が少ないです。よく人と話をした一週間でした。This week I have too many "accidents" - events, so I cannot write them all...instead, just few pictures.友…

週刊日記 あえての失敗特集 / Weekly diary 1026

土日更新を心がけたい。失敗は成功の元。今週はあえての失敗特集。In Japanese proverb, we say; "Failure is a key to success." Yeah I think it's true.So this week I dare to introduce my failures, because it continued to my next step surely.今週…

カリグラフィー練習中 / Practicing calligraphy

This summer, I realized that I've been yearning for writing letters by hands.Anyway I started practicing some styles, and now I'm learning calligraphy with one teacher in Prague, because my yearning leads me to one new idea for my theme (m…

Frankfurt Book Fair! vol.1/ フランクフルトブックフェアに行ってきました①


週刊不定期日記(10月前半) Diary-weekly October 2014

だいぶ見切り発車ですが、これからこうして多少こまめに日記をアップしようと唐突ながら決意しました。フランクフルトブックフェアの写真はまた別途アップします。とりあえず、チェコ日記。I'll try to write a short photo-diary like this.Weekly- not rea…



文字の旅─ロンドン&ダブリン / Summer vacation, watching "letters" in London & Dublin


2014夏。/ 2014 Summer, Japan


執筆 / Writing a book is...


TOKIO pozadi pro "L'Atelier Automatique" / TOKYO illustration - silkscreen printing cards & stenciled hude background for "L'Atelier Automatique" / "L'Atelier Automatique"のための"トーキョー"イラストレーション…巨大背景とシルクスクリーン印刷のカード

This is a record of making background picture (100x160 cm) for an portrait machine event "L'Atelier Automatique" in my Illustration&Graphic studio at AAAD(umprum).at first I made a picture for cards (it printed by silkscreen technique), th…

Scones / スコーン。

These days I make scones for my breakfast and tea time.It's really the first time for me, but it's really easy and good taste!When I make some foods in house and eat, I feel more ease and power rather than buying.制作で忙しいぶん、お菓子を…


twiggを違う形で続けてみようかなんて試み。ちなみに「twig」は小枝とかって意味で、ビョークのEarth Intrudersの歌詞にtwigs&branchesというのがちょっと出て来て、なんとなくその音が軽くて気に入ったのでg一つ増やしてtwiggと名付けていたのであります。…



助成採択と一時帰国 / temporary back to Japan in spring


製本授業で制作したスケッチブック / Sketch books at Bookbinding Workshop



Flowers in Vyšehrad :) お久しぶりです。久しぶりなことこの上ない…。反省しております。(´∀`)上の写真は、私の大好きなVyšehradという場所に咲いていたかわいい花。最近は自然がないと生きていけないことにやっと気がつきました。。散歩はこまめにせねば……


wow, Ra-men shot is the first lolin Munich.above; at Munich, gallery "Munikat"we had group exhibition of Visual Art Studio of AAAD.Below, my recent days...傘ちっさっ!友達。ち、ちっさくないよ!…ちょっとだけちっさいよ!一緒にスタジオのため…

diary spring

These are pieces of my projects that's going on now.Now I have many many projects... 8! but I enjoy, I need to enjoy *Then cherry blossom are blooming fully in Prague!They're sometimes a bit like Japanese "Sakura", but sometimes a bit diff…

My works of winter semester 2012/2013, at Prague AAAD / AAAD修士一年前期作品

This is my author book which I made for the final work of first winter semester in AAAD university.This book "A BALLET GIRL" is a true story of my girlhood days dedicated to classical ballet and blessings which is given to my life. Český p…

Moje první suchá jehla!

感動。。。。初めてドライポイントで作品刷りました。This is my first Drypoint printing.... Today!!!I was really moved by this. I'm certain that it have been a part of my dream for a long time.I remember that once I made a dry-point printing …

Golden autumn will be soon here

Hello, now I'm in Toyama for my summer short trip :Dthis place is my mother's hometown. Beautiful golden rice plants!




OMG now I got the news that I got the scholarship of chech embassy!I really wanna thank to God and everyone who encourage and support me so much!!!!!I'll make my best effort to study and creation.Ah I can't express in any words of this hug…

Hi guys,how've you been?Recently I'm preparing new web-gallery in my website.Now too many pictures are there, and complicate to see all the pictures, you know...I have good ideas, enjoying to make it.I will make both English and Japanese p…